setSessionAction($sessionAction); $selectedDocuments = $sessionAction->get(); $destFolderPath = addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_GET['current_folder_path'])); if(sizeof($selectedDocuments)) { //get all files within the destination folder $allDocs = array(); if(($fh = ($_GET['current_folder_path']))) { while(($file = readdir($fh)) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $allDocs[] = getRealPath($destFolderPath . $file); } } include_once(CLASS_FILE); $file = new file(); //check if all files are allowed to cut or copy foreach($selectedDocuments as $doc) { if(file_exists($doc) && isUnderRoot($doc) ) { if( array_search(getRealPath($doc), $allDocs) === false || CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN) { if(CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN) { $file->delete($doc); } if($file->copyTo($doc, $_GET['current_folder_path'])) { $finalPath = $destFolderPath . basename($doc); $objFile = new file($finalPath); $tem = $objFile->getFileInfo(); $obj = new manager($finalPath, false); $fileType = $obj->getFileType($finalPath, (is_dir($finalPath)?true:false)); foreach($fileType as $k=>$v) { $tem[$k] = $v; } /* foreach ($folderInfo as $k=>$v) { $tem['i_' . $k] = $v; } if($folderInfo['type'] == 'folder' && empty($folderInfo['subdir']) && empty($folderInfo['file'])) { $tem['cssClass'] = 'folderEmpty'; }*/ $tem['final_path'] = $finalPath; $tem['path'] = backslashToSlash($finalPath); $tem['type'] = (is_dir($finalPath)?'folder':'file'); $tem['size'] = ($tem['size']); $tem['ctime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $tem['ctime']); $tem['mtime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $tem['mtime']); $tem['flag'] = 'noFlag'; $tem['url'] = getFileUrl($doc); $manager = null; if($sessionAction->getAction() == "cut") { $file->delete($doc); } $fileMoved[sizeof($fileMoved)] = $tem; $tem = null; } }else { $unmovedDocDueToSamePath[] = $doc; } } } $sessionAction->set(array()); } if(sizeof($unmovedDocDueToSamePath) == sizeof($selectedDocuments)) { $error = ERR_DEST_FOLDER_NOT_ALLOWED; }elseif(sizeof($unmovedDocDueToSamePath)) { foreach($unmovedDocDueToSamePath as $v) { $error .= sprintf(ERR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_TO_SAME_DEST, $v) . "\r\n"; } } } echo "{'error':'" . $error . "', 'unmoved_files':" . sizeof($unmovedDocDueToSamePath) . ", 'files':{"; foreach($fileMoved as $i=>$file) { echo ($i>0?', ':' ') . $i . ": { "; $j = 0; foreach($file as $k=>$v) { echo ($j++ > 0? ", ":'') . "'" . $k . "':'" . $v . "'"; } echo "} "; } echo "} }"; ?>